Non-model methods in the study of regional development – the impact of the aggregation formula on the obtained research results


The study of the level of socio-economic development is one of the most frequently undertaken scientific considerations in the field of research into regions. Since the very concept of “socio-economic development” is currently not clearly defined and, hence, it is not possible to measure it directly, various attempts are being made to measure it indirectly using methods of multidimensional comparative analysis. The main goal of the article is to assess the impact of the chosen method for obtaining a synthetic measure of development, which is part of the non-model methods of aggregation of diagnostic variables, on the final result of orderingregions in terms of socio-economic development. Meanwhile, the considerations are accompanied by the following research hypothesis: one of the factors significantly affecting the final result of ordering the regions in terms of socio-economic development is the choice of method used to obtain a synthetic measure of development. As a result of the research, this hypothesis was confirmed, and proposals aimed at increasing the objectivity of this type of research were also indicated.

How to Cite
CZYŻYCKI, Rafał. Non-model methods in the study of regional development – the impact of the aggregation formula on the obtained research results. <center>Conference Proceedings <BR> Determinants Of Regional Development</center>, [S.l.], n. 1, jan. 2019. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 07 mar. 2025. doi: