Shaping the image of a hotel facility in the context of sustainable development


The current deliberations of economists more and more often concern the issue of scarcity of resources  and ways to solve this problem. A particular challenge lies before tourism, which faces a major problem regarding the necessity to meet the needs of tourists without adversely affecting future generations. The concept of sustainable development constitutes an answer to the example question of how modern enterprises should function and affect the environment, seen in the light of economic, social and environmental aspects. Moreover, pro-ecological and pro-social activities can be a valuable means of communication with the public, including potential and current buyers. The aim of the article is to develop the characteristics of solutions adopted by the hotel industry in terms of sustainable development, as well as identify these solutions in Polish hotels in the context of creating a positive public image of the entity. The article consists of four substantive parts, as well as the introduction and conclusions. The first and second parts discuss the theoretical aspects of the image and the concept of sustainable development in the hotel industry. The third and fourth parts, which are of an empirical and analytical nature, present the methodology of primary research and its results together with the interpretation. The theoretical-research considerations led to the conclusion that the concept of sustainable development is not popular among the Polish hotels surveyed, and the solutions applied within it are selective and aimed mainly at environmental protection or reducing the operating costs of facilities.

How to Cite
ORFIN-TOMASZEWSKA, Katarzyna; SIDORKIEWICZ, Marta. Shaping the image of a hotel facility in the context of sustainable development. <center>Conference Proceedings <BR> Determinants Of Regional Development</center>, [S.l.], n. 1, jan. 2019. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 09 mar. 2025. doi: